Project Stories & News
Environment Pou
Rātā has invested $3.2 million into environmental and conservation strategic partnerships over the last five years, up to April 2024.
We aim to support environmental resilience through:
Collaborative approaches which support environmental planning and prioritisation at a landscape-scale, to help guide future environmental activity and investment.
Landscape-scale approaches which enhance biodiversity and nature-based solutions to mitigate or adapt to environmental impacts of climate change.
Our research shows us that strong collaborative partnerships that have iwi at the centre of planning and design and embrace Mātauranga Māori and iwi aspirations are already making a difference in the restoration and revitalisation of the environment.
The effects of climate change are being seen and felt across our funding regions and in recent years there have been severe weather events including wildfires, flooding, and landslides.
The National Adaptation Plan underscores the importance of nature-based solutions to help communities prepare for a warming climate and we already fund several community organisations to carry out activities such as native reforestation.
This has given us the confidence to make significant financial contribution to landscape scale environmental projects within our region.
We will also work to strengthen the community sector by assisting community organisations to adapt to climate change and reduce their carbon emissions through a tailored programme of support partnering with Terra Nova.