Language: English | Māori

Health Pou

Over the next five years, our objective is to remove barriers to effective mental health for specific disadvantaged social groups.

Our funding seeks to target young people from Māori, Pasifika, and rainbow communities; and help improve maternal mental health for young Māori mothers.

We are at early stages with our delivery of our health pou and are looking to:

  • Enable access to diverse support options, including rongoā and innovative locally based solutions.

  • Support cultural responsiveness/practice for the mental health workforce, including career pathways for diverse communities.

  • Build people's own health literacy, capability, and resilience.

We commissioned Ihi Research to provide more understanding about where there is greatest need and inequalities in our communities. The data indicates the need for mental health support is considerable. The system does not appear to be responsive to the needs of many of the communities we serve.

A key learning of our research is the importance of working alongside communities, ensuring that underserved communities are part of the design of health solutions.

We are particularly interested in supporting those for whom health inequalities are evidenced. Those being Young Maori Māmā, Young Maori kohine, Pasifika young people and Rainbow young people.
