Leighton Evans
Chief Executive
My role at Rātā Foundation as a Community Engagement Advisor is collaborating with key community organisations and stakeholders, building and nurturing strong relationships, and communicating our funding priorities and criteria.
Ko Tainui te Waka
Ko Kakepuku te Maunga
Ko Waipā te Awa
Ko Ngāti Maniapoto te Iwi
Ko Ngāti Rora te Hapū
Ko Te Tokanganui-ā-noho te Marae
Ko Te Rohe Pōtae te Papakainga
"Kia mau ki teenaa, Kai mau ki te kawau maro"
"Our future well being and destiny will be determined by the strength of our commitment to stand together united in spirit, mind and purpose.”
This Ngāti Maniapoto proverb describes the importance of being steadfast, similar to the hold fast of the swooping cormorant (kawau).
Hēmi is strongly connected to his Māoritanga and Rarotongan heritage – he loves performing and supporting kapa haka and carving traditional and contemporary Māori designs created in wood, stone, and bone. With many strings to his bow, Hēmi is an avid illustrator and follower of the Marvel Cinematic Universe and a voracious reader of sci-fi fantasy such as Eddings, Feist, Williams, Jordan, and Heitz. Knowing that physical strength contributes to overall wellbeing, he is a gym regular who loves lifting weights. For Hēmi, Rātā inspires him through its commitment and support of community values that resonate with him.
He is excited about how he can contribute to his role through a kaupapa Māori lens and learn from Rātā colleagues, building on the mahi they've established. Hēmi says that being part of the Rātā whānau is an that allows him to further connect with people, whānau, and the wider community and enable these extraordinary leaders to continue building strong, thriving, and connected communities.
Chief Executive
Community Engagement Advisor
EA/Office Administrator
Research Analyst
People and Operations Manager
Community Engagement Advisor
Head of Community Investment
Grants Advisor
Finance and Investment Analyst
Cultural and Community Relationships Team Leader