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Paki Kōrero, Kawepūrongo & Rangahau

Housing Projects, News & Research

Stories, news, and videos on our strategic partnerships and the people, places, and projects we have invested in under our four Pou – Housing, Health, Education, and the Environment.

Housing Research

To help us understand the needs in this area and guide where we are best placed to make a difference, we have spoken to stakeholders and listened to learnings. We have also commissioned our own research to support our mahi.


  • Canterbury, Nelson, and Marlborough identified Home ownership rates and housing affordability continues to worsen across our funding regions. The cost-of-living crisis has also seen more people struggle with higher rental costs. There is also a shortage of affordable social rentals in the market.

    The research helped us identify affordable rental (80% of market rates) and progressive home ownership as significant gaps in the current housing continuum and where our funding and investment could enable projects that might otherwise not be viable.  The social rental market also needs investment but there is significant and growing capability to meet this through Community Housing providers and iwi.
