Connecting during COVID-19: Nathan Wallis
Rātā Foundation loves hearing about all the ways community organisations are adapting to the changing COVID-19 Alert Levels and continuing to provide services and innovative initiatives online, and over the phone.
This story is part of Rātā’s Connecting during COVID-19 series. Visit our Community Stories page for more.
Wellbeing Expert Nathan Wallis has been giving parents working from home an essential piece of advice: if you can do some schoolwork with your child, that’s great – but it’s just as important to focus on wellbeing.
He says during the changing Alert Levels of COVID-19, 95% of activities for a child’s development should be around supporting their wellbeing – focusing on face-to-face connection and play time.
Nathan Wallis is a renowned Neuroscience Educator and Child Development Expert. He is the founder of X Factor Education, an initiative which uses neuroscience to explore how the brain grows to reach its full potential.
Rātā Foundation spoke with Nathan to get his advice on how to not only support children during the lockdown period, but to ease stress levels and create positive wellbeing for the whole whānau.
One of his top tips is to view the situation as a ‘gift’: the chance to connect and spend quality time with your loved ones.
He also explains how the human brain works, and how to maintain a good balance between ‘survival’ and ‘learning’ in order to maintain a healthy mind.
Watch this video to hear Nathan Wallis’ insights into the best ways to connect with whānau during the COVID-19 Alert Levels and how to support one another’s wellbeing.
For more information, visit his website here:
Follow his Facebook page for regular updates with helpful resources and videos: