Language: English | Māori

Grants Advisor

Carroll Motuiliu

Carroll loves seeing people make a positive difference and supporting their communities to thrive. 

She is no stranger to organisations at the heart of her local community with a background in youth work, and brings plenty of knowledge and experience in the not-for-profit sector to her role at Rātā.

Carroll says it is Rātā Foundation's kaupapa supporting communities of need that inspired her to join the team as a Grants Advisor, and the Foundation's priorities align perfectly with the kind of outcomes she'd like to see achieved for her own community. 

Carroll is motivated by the desire to make a positive impact and to achieve equitable outcomes for Māori and Pasifika youth. She also wants to see more communities empowered to succeed and achieve their goals.

Email: Carroll Motuiliu

DDI: (03) 339 5994

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