Mahi Tahi
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E pātuki te manawa o te rātā, he oranga mō te iwi
The heartbeat of the rātā sustains the people
Our whakataukī, gifted by Ngāi Tahu, speaks to our purpose – striving to create an equitable and sustainable society under the korowai of Te Tiriti o Waitangi – where all people are empowered to thrive.
It also speaks to our desire to connect with the values and principles of te ao Māori to support Māori aspirations and mahi tahi.
Our haerenga (journey) of māramatanga (understanding) has taken many roads over the last ten years.
Rātā has been profoundly impacted by what we have heard and experienced along the way.
We have taken what we have learned walking alongside Māori to guide how we work with all communities.
Over the years we have strengthened and built on the foundations of our mana-to-mana relationships and connections with iwi, hapū, and whānau by extending the values of manaakitanga and kotahitanga and through meaningful and consistent kanohi ki te kanohi engagement.
Our journey of māramatanga has also extended to the Rātā Foundation's cultural capability. We undertake regular sessions for our staff where they can embrace tikanga practices and learning Te Reo. We also understand that our connections with te ao Māori deepen when kaimahi see themselves reflected in our values, stories, and mātauranga Māori.
The concept of whanaungatanga - relationships has guided Rātā to better understand and support hapori aspirations for a shared future - kotahitanga.
We want a world where all people feel supported, so nothing gets in the way of them being able to make the most of life.
Find out our more about our funding here.
Our Hītori
Learn more about our history.
The videos tell the story of our journey of whakawhanaungatanga (relationships) within te ao Māori.