Tim Best
Finance and Investment Analyst
I lead a talented team dedicated to delivering impactful grant-making programmes. My role involves strategic planning, programme oversight, and stakeholder engagement to ensure our initiatives meet community needs and achieve meaningful outcomes.
Ko Whata-a-rama te maunga,
Ko Waimakariri te awa,
Ko Ngāi Tahu te iwi,
Ko Ngāi Tūāhuriri te hapū,
No Tuahiwi ahau,Ko Lexie Reuben tōku ingoa
“Kia atawhai ki te iwi” - “care for the people” - Pita Te Hori
Lexie has whakapapa connections all over Te Waipounamu and grew up surrounded by her whānau in Tuahiwi, where she still lives today. The above quote from Pita Te Hori, the first Upoko Rūnanga of Ngāi Tūāhuriri, highlights the values she was raised with and can help explain Lexie's commitment to working for her hapū, iwi, and the wider community. It is in her whakapapa, part of who she is.
Much of Lexie's work experience is grounded in the iwi, community, and funding. She was drawn to Rātā because of the organisation's focus on equity. Lexie believes the role of funders is to work alongside communities to help them develop their own vision and provide the critical piece of funding to enable them to make it happen.
Finance and Investment Analyst
Head of Community Investment
Grants Advisor
Cultural and Community Relationships Team Leader
Grants Administrator
Management Accountant
Chief Financial Officer
Grants Advisor
Strategic Communications Manager
People and Operations Manager