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Community Capacity Accounting - New Treasurer Induction


Accounting is essential for any business – profit or not-for-profits. But not-for-profits have much higher accountability and reporting requirements, and are a lot more dependent on professional accounting services. Services that are prohibitively expensive and can be a large financial drain especially on smaller organisations.

CCA is a very special accounting firm: we specialise in not-for-profit organisations.

See here for some of the differences in for-profit and not-for-profit accounting.

Full List of 2023 Workshops by CCA

Cost: $30 (optional). Invoices are sent after the workshop, but payment is optional.

You’ve had your arm twisted to be the treasurer for your club or group but don’t feel confident about it. If that sounds familiar then this workshop is for you!

The training covers:

  • what a treasurer should and shouldn’t be responsible for.
  • understanding financial information.
  • financial indicators you need to manage.





Thursday 27th July 2023, 10:00am-1:00pm


In person
